Study the curriculum to be well prepared to discuss the lesson in next week's Sabbath School. The daily lessons can also serve as your daily devotionals times for personal enrichment.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to you as you study your lesson.
Apply the lesson thoughts to your personal life.
Select below to view the curriculum
This Week's Sabbath School Lesson
Upcoming Sabbath School Lesson
Sabbath School Daily Devotions
Print this week's curriculum and write the answers to the questions for each day of the week so you will be prepared to discuss them in class next Sabbath.
God would have us hold different standards, morals, ethics, and habits from those of the world. "The church is the community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour...[And] we are called out from the world" (The Church, Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs, no. 12)
Challenge yourself to be different from the world, to be willing to uphold God's standards as opposed to the world's standards.
God calls you to be part of "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people
Think about how God has changed you from the way you used to be living according to the patterns of others copying what they do, and where you are now. How are you doing at being God's own special person? Give praise to God to proclaim how He called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light.
When you realize how big God is in contrast to how small we are, we should realize that the things of this world don't matter much. Remember that God is your Creator and He created you in His own image. Realize that such a great love should call for reverence. Go about your day trying to think of different ways in which you could show your reverence, respect, and love for God. Remember, everything in your life, whether insignificant or monumental, means something to God. You may think the little things you do don't make a different, but they do. God sees all things, He sees your small sacrifices as well as your large ones. Remember that if God can set the earth on its foundations, He can surely hear every little prayer and see every secret things. He will never forget you.
As God said to young Joshua after he took on the leadership of Israel after Moses, I will never leave you nor forsake you, take courage. Take courage that God is with you and is there for you to enable you to live up to His standards.
In the Temple Jesus showed His anger in His attempt to get the people to understand that all the sacrfices were pointing to His sacrifice on the cross.
Jesus made the point to have reverence and respect in the sanctuary. That should make you consider more how you should show reverence to our Christ and Savior
God knows where each choice you is going to lead you, even if it seems innocent and worthy. Always remember that in every choice we make, we are temples of God's Spirit, and God should be present. Don't think that praying over teh little things won't make a difference. Before taking any steps forward, pray and seek God's will
Pray about Global Youth Day, where God may lead you to reach out to serve the community. What He has blessed us with, He expects us to bless others.
Remember that many people in this world have lost much and suffer immensely. Some don't have enough food to eat and/or can't even afford to put clothes on their backs. In our society, many of us may not be considered rich compared to many famous people, yet if we were to visit some of these countries, we would be seen as having the wealth of kings and queens.
There have been stories about hardworking, honest people who after gaining wealth get greedy, materialistic, and lacking compassion toward others.
What reasons do you think make people hesitant to give something away or serve others?
How can tithing and giving away money to charity and other causes help to prevent money from ruining people morally? How can you help support the ministries of your local church as well as overseas missions by paying a faithful tithe and offereings from all your income (i.e, from the allowances or monetary gifts you receive if you do not have an income yet)?
God calls us to live holy and godly lives. Think what do that mean to you?
Jesus redeemed you not with perishable riches, but by sacrificing His own life that you may live eternally. What is your response to such immense love? How can we return that big favor? How do your priorities reflect how much God's kingdom means to you?
Bible Verses
Select a link to read the Into the Story Bible verses and Bible verse(s) given for each day.
Into The Story | Read John 2:12-22 and go through each section of the curriculum and answer questions. |
Sabbath | |
Sunday | Read Psalm 104 |
Monday |
Tuesday | Read 1 Corinthians 1:2 |
Wednesday | Read Deuteronomy 15:10-11 |
Thursday | Read Malachi 3:8-12 |
Friday | Read 1 Peter 1:16-23 |
Take away thought: God said be you holy as I am holy. He wants you to reflect His character. How Jesus showed you His character on earth living to serve others and show God reverence, God wants you to do the same to serve others more than self and bless others with what God has faithfully given you. Your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in it, resist anything unholy from entering in. Live for God with all your might, and take courage, for God is with you wherever you go.